The Lore Race - Vrb58

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The Lore Race - Vrb58

The Lore of Vrbs - Vrb58

Each Vrbs auction piece is a unique visual c...

The Lore of Vrbs - Vrb58

Each Vrbs auction piece is a unique visual character that speaks to and about our community. The Lore of Vrbs presents an opportunity for anyone to bring short-form stories crafted around the Vrbs auction pieces into the record of Vrbs.

By adding a creative writing element to Vrbs, each auction piece can continue to evolve it's own amazing storyline as a function of the "Lore Race" mechanism!

It can also help bring creators from a different creative realm onchain and into the community.

Let's kick off the Lore Race mechanism with Vrb58. The Lore Race will run daily alongside the daily auction.

If you like the idea of crafting narrative around Vrbs , please participate as an entrant or as a donor to the prize pool!

Thank you, and LVG


Active pool
Ξ 0.0009