Participate in contests

We all choose goals to work on. Each goal has a place for you to help. You can join anytime and contribute in any way you want, and our community will reward you.

Active Rewards: 0.0009 ETH

Create Vrbs Lore

Create stories behind each Vrb. Build our onchain lore together.

View 1 contest
Create Vrbs Lore

Active Rewards: 0.0 ETH

Show your FarCon tricks

Join a series of skateboarding contests at FarCon. Earn crowdfunded rewards and voting power in the Vrbs movement.

View 2 contests
Show your FarCon tricks

Active Rewards: 0.0 ETH

Create Yellow Collective Lore

Join a series of creative contests to help us build up the Yellow Collective. Get paid to create onchain. Earn ETH and voting power in Vrbs DAO.

View 1 contest
Create Yellow Collective Lore

Active Rewards: 0.0036 ETH

Bring 1000 creators onchain

Join a series of creative contests to help us explain Vrbs. Get paid to create, onchain, together. Earn ETH and voting power in the Vrbs movement.

View 8 contests
Bring 1000 creators onchain

What's next?
Anyone can decide!