
Rise Up with Vrbs: Educating for Outreach & Impact

Basic description.

The "Vrbs Vision" initiative aims to promote the Vrbs DAO on the Rise Up Morning Show, TikTok, YouTube, an email newsletter, and our other community platforms. We will leverage our established audience (100k+ following; 10-20k live viewers/week--can send a one-pager with more info) and no-hype, educational approach to highlight the impact of Vrbs and drive interest in the DAO.\ \ Our audience encompasses learners with diverse backgrounds and levels of experience in web3, so we're also happy to extend the DAO's ability to welcome and educate members who are curious to learn about how to use cryptocurrency safely.

Brief description of the short term goals for the project.\ \ To create engaging content that educates our audience about the Vrbs DAO, its mission, and its impact. This will include weekly highlights on our live show and short-form videos aimed at making Vrbs go viral and attracting new members.

The long-term vision or ultimate goal of the project.\ \ To raise the acumen or our audience; connect them with opportunities to deepen their involvement; and tell a better story about the blockchain industry--beyond hype and speculation, so more everyday people can understand how what we're doing might matter to them, personally; and to establish the Vrbs DAO as a known, trusted entity in the crypto space, celebrated for its real-world impact and ability to empower individuals in the Vrbs network.

Brief background of the author, including relevant experience and qualifications.

Evan Mann & Alex Popovic are co-founders with expertise in blockchain, content creation, and education. They co-host the Rise Up Morning Show, a daily livestream for helpful web3 news, commentary and crypto education. With over 100k followers on TikTok and a weekly live audience of 10k+, they have extensive experience working with learners at all levels of experience. Their no-hype approach fosters a safe, inclusive community where everyday people come to discover what crypto actually is and how to start using it safely, in meaningful ways that enhance the quality of their lives.

What will be used to measure the success of the project.

  • Increase in Vrbs DAO membership and engagement
  • Number of views and interactions on Vrbs-related content
  • Audience feedback and surveys indicating increased awareness and understanding of Vrbs
  • Growth in our community's participation in Vrbs initiatives

Other Info:\ Our initiative will adhere to Vrbs guidelines by incorporating the Vrbs symbol ▀▄▀ in all promotional content and ensuring all materials are publicly accessible (though we'll also probably talk about the community personally and in private because we love the vision). We will be partners in stewarding the brand's identity, careful to highlight the successes and meaningful stories within the Vrbs community, to help tell a great story about what the DAO is doing.\ \ If you have questions or additional suggestions for how we can be valuable partners, please don't hesitate to share them. Thank you for the opportunity and your consideration.\ \ ▀▄▀ + ✊🔥\ \ RISE UP!

Grant approval

The grant is currently in the idea stage and is not open for voting.

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.