
Beach Cleaning @local site


Beach cleaning @ local site

Short Term Goal

We clean our local beach for ourselves and the local people. ・The cleaning is scheduled every first Sunday of the month. ・We aim to increase the number of participating members.\ ・Participants will be provided with a T-shirt and lunch.

North Star

・We will also conduct beach cleanups and forest cleanups simultaneously in other regions.\ \ ・Conduct activities simultaneously in other prefectures and countries, developing it into a global.

Author\ Im hiro.⌐◨-◨ This April, I founded the local DAO, machiDAO. I have been active for two years in pNouns, a Japanese sub-DAO of NounsDAO. I excel in planning and executing projects and communicating with various people.

Success Metrics

・To inclease people to participant gradually.\ ・To inclease a member of machiDAO.\ ・To influence not only members also other people.

Other info

Beach cleaning movie 09.06.2024


Total Earned


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.