
Help those in need

What's your background?

I work at Skate Cuida with Bob Burnquist, helping children in need using skateboarding as a tool. Designer with Advertising degree at ESPM-SP

What will you be doing?

Bob is a skateboarder but also famous as a video-game character in one of the most sucessful games ever made "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater". In order to reach this guys, I will direct 100% of grant to William, from Rio de Janeiro State who takes cares of children and give them space to play games they would not have opportunitu if it wasnt for him

Time you can commit

reporting his works, sending funds and helping him withdraw cripto should take less than 2 hours weekly.

Why you care about Vrbs?

It is been 5 years that I work with Bob, an architect of vrbs and I was part of his beggining in NFTs and always believe and care projects his into, and I know vrbs is the most proeminent one.

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.