
Improve public spaces

What's your background?

Hi everyone! I am Swagittarius and I'm previous member of the Senior Scouts for our school where we cleaned up beaches especially in our areas where it is prone to poverty. and also I used to be a secretary chairperson for our school where we promote proper waste disposal, one of our projects is that we created a recycling bin with basketball ring to make recycling fun. I am also a digital artist and I donate every winnings or commissions I have even if it's big or small to animal shelters and people in need (I could send proof if needed). I do volunteer work too without expecting for anything in return.

Here's my Warpcast:

What will you be doing?

I would like to volunteer on cleaning up our beaches especially getting rid of plastic wastes (save the turtles) that are washed ashore. Promoting proper waste disposal, and also feed some stray dogs and cats.

Time you can commit

Anytime after school, and Sunday's since I don't have classes every Sunday

Why you care about Vrbs?

I care about vrbs, because it gives opportunities for people like me who would like to contribute to our community, especially in our country who's currently experiencing global warming. I truly believe that these small changes can give a big impact not only to humans but to animals as well. As they say it's not our trash but it is definitely our planet to care with and I'm always here ready to serve


Total Earned


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.