
Stop Motion Vrbs gifs


Hi, I'm bringing my experience making quick, quirky short form handmade content into the Vrbs universe

Short Term Goal

making fun, sharable, handmade stop motion content that exemplifies the creativity of Vrbs ecosystem on a monthly basis.

North Star

I would love to transition to more regular/longer form content with story and characters (budget/timeframe allowing) as well as share the process via workshops and tutorials and find ways to bridge the Vrbs community with the Lucky Ducky community.


Jeremy Fisher/0fish0 is stop motion animator and founder of the PFP generative IP: Lucky Ducky. Based in LA, he has spent the past decade creating stop motion works for the likes of Robot Chicken, Hallmark, Giphy, the Oscar-nominated Marcel the Shell movie and many more.

What will be used to measure the success of the project.

I'll be sharing social stats like views and shares on X as a way to help judge the reach on these animations. Will be uploading these on Giphy which will be a great tool as well to evaluate the organic reach

Other info

Thanks for the opportunity!\ -Jeremy

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.