
Help those in need

What's your background?

Hi everyone! I'm Vale, and I work in marketing, photography, and graphic design. Our family likes to support stray animals that were either born in the streets or left there by irresponsible owners. There are a lot of them around our neighborhood. We have done trips around nearby cities to feed these dogs without a home and we also have supported local shelters.

What will you be doing?

I would like to dedicate the stream to buy quality food and distribute it to stray dogs here in San José and Heredia (Costa Rica). Oftentimes they live off of what they can find in the trash, which leads to malnourishment and illnesses, so having at least one proper meal will keep them healthy.

A local vendor offers 1kg of quality dog food for around $2, which is great value over here and with it we can make the most out of the donations.

I will take good quality photos and upload them consistently to the Vrbs website, so that you can get to know all the good boys you are feeding!

If Vrbs keep supporting the initiative, it may even be possible to add vet care on top of more frequent feeding trips. It would also be cool to have a Vrbs uniform and Vrbs food packages when doing the trips, but only if their cost doesn't compromise the cost of the food and gas.

Time you can commit

Around 2-4 hours a week. The initial plan is to do a weekly trip on Sundays to find the dogs and deliver them food and water, as well as some more-than-deserved affection. The time and distance can expand if the stream increases over time.

Why you care about Vrbs?

Vrbs seems like the perfect platform in which people who care about doing good can actually support other people who can *execute *that good. The Vrbish ethos also fits well with Costa Rican culture, which is already somewhat solarpunkish in its concern for the environment and living creatures. This is a first step to spread awareness and goodness around here.


Total Earned


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.