
Improve public spaces

What's your background?

Small Change is a group of divers and outdoor educators working to bring individuals closer to nature. We believe that through a deeper and more meaningful connection with our environment, we can all become better guardians of the world around us.

What will you be doing?

Organize public beach clean ups events around the island of Singapore and its offshore islands - focusing on beaches that are less accessible and less cleaned up by public cleaners.

Activities:\ 1) Public beach cleanup events\ 2) Intertidal and mangrove walks to introduce biodiversity and improve nature appreciation - we love, therefore we protect.

Time you can commit

Minimum 10 hours a month in organising and conducting free learning journeys in the form of beach cleanups, inter-tidal or mangrove walks for public education on environmental conservation and sustainability.

Why you care about Vrbs?

Our believe in fostering deeper and more meaningful connections with our environment to inspire better guardians of our world is in line with vrbs’ aim to improve public spaces. Cleanups may not solve the massive marine debris program immediately but it will, in the instant, remove the threat of animal-trash interaction until the next load of trash washes up. With structured briefings and debriefs, the impact experiences will inspire participants to make better choices for sustainability in their day-to-day activities.


Total Earned


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.