Impact in Vrbs



Original VRB NFT by OxOOxO Creations Title "Ooop's I Vrb'd again" (Vrb Britney) Entered into ArtRace September 2024 Museum-Quality Matte Paper Poster
Breaking News! Vrbs graffitti hits the Louvre' in Paris! Nobody Warned! World in Shock! French Authorities looking for Le Graffiti Gang! We've been Vrb'd say's Louvre' officials! Mint for Historical Significance! Is this the end of the Louvre'??? No-One Knows!!
I can't tell you what an honor it is to be a part of Vrbs DAO Artist Residency. Thank you @rocketman @sudojames.eth and all vrbs artists ! for all you do to make this an awesome community. Im truly amazed at what you do! Great things ahead! #VrbsWorldWide LVG!