Impact in Vrbs

No impact yet...

No impact yet...


Beach cleaning update! Beach eas closed for weeks since Christmas but it's open now so cleaning starts! NounsxVrbs Trash was also installed so it can be put to use!
Nouns x Vrbs Trash
Conducting An esport mobile tournament Mobile Legends! Since the basketball tournament cannot be realized for the mean time, an alternative was created, An E-Sport Tournament! An orientation would be held before the games would start so we can introduce Nouns and Vrbs to the players! Stay tuned!
Happy Holidays! Preparing for another gift-giving and reach-out program in Lintangan, Zamboanga Del Norte!
Happy Holidays! So, a little bit of diverting from the usual... I decided to be one of the sponsors for the Gift-giving event of my Father's missionary outreach program (specifically, in Campo Dos, Labuan, Zamboanga City Philippines) The children is thankful! Thanks /vrbs for the wonderful opportunity!
VM! Help us vote for our prop for this coming Christmas!
beach beach beach clean upp beach looking good, had a spare time so i did a little clean up!
Stray feeding! Had a spare time amidst the stressful schedule, but them dogs look happy tho! So it's a W.
Trimmed the court around the court! Cost me around 50 dollars to pay but it looks good tho!
Update on Planned Quarterly Vrbs Basketball League! I have talked to the owners on the possibility of conducting the said event. They were okay with it, especially when they found out of the plan of rejuvenating the court. I also went to the Barangay to talk to the Brgy Captain of the plan. Unfortunately, there's still an ongoing Basketball events so the conduction of the Vrbs Basketball might be moved to a later date. Furthermore, I already to talked to potential participants, commitees and referees for the said event! Hoping for this to be successful!
Update on Beach Clean up and Feeding Strays! Conducted a cleaning session after class with a friend while also feeding the dogs in the area. They were so happy to see us lol xD. The planned trash cans are still on the way. We canvassed and I am hiring a painter to Paint the logo of Vrbs x Nouns in it. Anyways, here's some documentation!
Planning to conduct VRBS Basketball Tournament in our community! Will be conducting the following in the Upcoming weeks: -Coordinate with the Local Authorities about the said plan -Revamp the Court with Vrbs elements -Create a Facebook Page for updates Stay tuned!
Update! Before the clean-up, i fed the local beach guardians XD (stray dogs). Thanks /vrbs ps. So sorry for the late update, gad so many circumstances hhindering these activities, but it's good to be back! Anw, i plan to further expand to other areas where dogs are present, and provide food for them!
Update! Did a little clean-up in the NY beach! talked to the locals about my plan of installing trash bins with NounsxVrbs logo and they were happy about it. Also coordinated with the nearby Brgy officials of the weekly disposal of trash conducted every Friday. Checklist for this Month: Install Trash bins with NounsxVrbs logo in the place Do regular clean-ups Also, I'm planning to expand my projects to different beaches soon! Puhon! (Cebuano term for God-willing) /vrbs
update! Today, I helped my neighbors clean around the public basketball court! p.s. Garbages burned were leaves, plastics were collected. thanks /vrbs for the wonderul opportunity!
Update! Storm has passed in our area these past days so I wasn't able to conduct cleaning and feeding, but here am I again! CLEANING X FEEDING X SEA WAVES are the best Much love to vrbs community!
COASTAL CLEANING x FEEDING STRAYS x RAINY SEA A productive day! We proceeded with the coastal cleaning despite the rain here, and we also finally able to feed the dogs! So grateful for the vrbs community for the opportunity to do this! It truly warms the heart! ❤ @rocketman @vrbs p.s. I almost got bitten😭 the dog ravaged towards the ladle as i was about to put it in a container. Luckily, I am speed. jk
Beach cleaning update!! went straight to the beach after classes and started the cleaning around a tree shed. It was full of trashes, but with the power of the vrbs community, we were able to pick up the trashes! Next time, I'll bring more friends so we can collect more trashes! @rocketman @vrbs p.s. sunsets are the best frfr p.s.2 look at those strays 🥺 i do hope we'll be noticed and be accepted for the feeding the strays grant, it'll be a great help for these dogs by the beach
Update! Thanks vrbs community for the opportunity!