
Illustrators Residency

What's your background?

I am an artist/illustrator/animator from Durban South Africa. Been working in crypto since 2020. I was Art lead on a project for PeopleDAO (For The People NFT recently released), did art work for BuidlGuidl, and was Art lead on an NFT Start up called NFMe Galaxy. Worked with Pizza DAO and Nouns and am currently working to revive an NFT drawing platform called also about to release a manga inspired trading card project I made thru Buidl Guidl called Onchain Mechas.

What will you be doing?

I draw every day, to relax from drawing, I draw something else. I will be channelling that enthusiasm and creative spirit into VRBs

Time you can commit

I will spend a couple of hours a week on Vrb-centric illustrations. I draw pretty fast but will share ideas an process material as well.

Why you care about Vrbs?

I love the creativity-first vibe and I love the pixel art. Im a huge fan of the nouns and nouns derivative brands and the fundraising model that in turn supports other creative projects and Id love to take an artistic role in the community, Illustration is my life blood and I can share that.

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.