Impact in Vrbs

No impact yet...

No impact yet...


The immediate goal is to get neighbors to contribute in making the shared space feel like their own. Then to do more placemaking in the neighborhood with more people. I want to unite in this various local orgs and make it sustainable. Have ideas of reputation building, decentralized prizes, and more. Stay tuned!
This weekend, we’re gonna improve my balcony, which I made into a community shared space. On that basis, we will create a local WhatsApp group and IG to inspire more neighbors to join in. Leftover paint and tools will be donated to our neighborhood’s tool library.
gm gm I got my VRBS grant to create a neighborhood marketplace of neighbors both suggesting placemaking improvements and making them. Talking with local and global frens, I realized that paying people would kill all intrinsic motivation so pivoted to spend the money on supplies (pictured).