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A word from 0x2d9...A8B
For the longest time, I watched VrbsDAO from the shadows—observing, learning, and admiring the work being done. Then came a time when I started connecting with the community, gaining a deeper understanding of their mission and impact. I was fortunate to have a conversation with @rocketman_w, and after that, I felt incredibly motivated to find my own way to contribute to this ecosystem. It took time to figure out how best to support and uplift this vibrant community, but it starts with this commitment, to support the artists here with this purchase and to continue serving my own community in Portland, with the help of Vrbs ▀▄▀
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Our Purpose
Do good with no expectation of return. Steward public spaces. Create positive externalities. Empower people to uplift their communities. Embrace absurdity & difference. Teach people about Vrbs & crypto. Dare greatly. Have fun.

Vrbs is owned by the people
We raise money together and vote to fund big ideas. Everyone who participates can earn a vote. Anyone can request funding to bring their best ideas to life.
- 977
- Members
- Ξ62.82
- Raised
- Ξ24.30
- Treasury

Vrb Votes
Earn votes for building or spending inside the Vrbs ecosystem.
- What are Vrb Votes?
Votes track your contributions to Vrbs. Vote on proposals, grants, art and more. You can buy votes or earn them building. Your votes let you shape the future of Vrbs.
- Earn Vrb Votes
Build on our brand, it's CC0. Sell goods and services, split revenue with our treasury, and earn votes for yourself and your supporters in the process.
- Treasury and grants
Proceeds from all votes sales are split with our treasury and grants program. Using quadratic voting, our most impactful public goods initiatives are funded.
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How is Vrbs different from Nouns?
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How is Vrbs similar to Nouns?